Oracle Security Notification Template

Oracle User Name and Password Notification

Oracle offers a variety of predefined notification templates tailored for all enabled user categories. Users in these categories automatically receive alerts regarding changes to their accounts and passwords. Additionally, you have the option to create custom templates for any user category. You can select which notifications to implement for each category and disable any that are not needed. This guide will introduce you to the predefined notification templates and provide instructions on how to enable or disable notifications as needed.

Oracle User Name and Password

Predefined Notification Templates

This table outlines the predefined notification templates, each linked to a specific event. For instance, the Password Reset Template corresponds to the password-reset event. You can view these notification templates and their associated events on the User Category: Notifications page within the Security Console for a user category.

Navigation–>Login into Oracle Instance –>Tools –>Security Console –>User Categories –>Choose User
Categories –>Notification

or open the task Manage Applications security Preferences task from Setup and Maintenance –>Search tasks option –>User Categories –>Choose User Categories –>Notification

Predefined Notification Templates

Here is the template list using for Oracle Notification

template list using for Oracle Notification


Enabling and Disabling Notifications

Notifications must be set to “Enabled” for users to receive them. You can stop specific notifications by unchecking the “Enabled” box. To enable or disable a template, simply adjust the settings accordingly.

  • Click edit on the notification page

Click edit on the notification page

  • Select the template in edit mode.Select the template in edit mode
  • In the template page select enable option for notification and click on save and close.

select enable option for notification and click on save

  • Click on save on the notification page.

To disable a template:

  1. Click Edit on the User Category: Notifications page.
  2. In edit mode, click the template name.
  3. In the template dialog box, deselect the Enabled option.
  4. Click Save and Close.



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