Apache Maven is a software project management and build management tool for java framework.
Maven Pros:
- Central repository to get dependencies
- Maintaining common structure across the organization
- Flexibility in integrating with CI tools
- Plugins for Test framework execution
Steps to download Maven for Windows:
- Download the Maven file using the below link.
- Click on the “apache-Maven-3.6.3-bin zip”, to download. Extract the file into the respective drive.
- Set system environment variable.
Setting up the Environment Variable:
- JAVA file to be set in the environment variable before setting up the Maven environment variable.
- Open extracted Maven file and copy the file path.
- All Control Panel Items > System > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables
- Click on New -Follow the below screen shot.
- Click OK.
Setting up Maven path:
- Open extracted Maven file and copy the file path till bin folder.
- All control panel items>system>Advanced system settings>Environment Variables>system variables.
- Try to find the “Path” and click on it.
- Follow the below screenshot
- In Edit System variable window, for the path variable add the value as ”;C:apache-Maven-3.6.3bin” ( Note: mention the separator if there are any existing path value in the variable while adding the Maven path.)
- Click OK.
Steps to verify if the Maven path is correctly configured into system environment variables:
- Go to command line type this comment”mvn –version”, you will get all the details about Maven.
Understanding Maven terminologies:
- Artifact: An artifact is a file, usually a JAR, that gets deployed to a Maven repository
- GroupID: GroupId will identify your project uniquely across all projects.
- Archetype: Generate a new project from archetype.
Creating Maven Project:
- Command to create a Maven project.
: -DgroupId=”yourProjectGroupId”
- Click ‘Enter’ afterwards it will take some time to create your Maven project and it shows “Build success” that means your Maven project successfully created.
- You can see your project following path”C:Users….”.
Maven integration with Eclipse:
- Go to command line and switch your recently created Maven project folder and enter this command”mvn eclipse:eclipse”
- Hit Enter afterwards it will show “Build success”. That means our Maven project is ready to import into eclipse.
- Go to eclipse>file>import>Existing Maven project>Next>your Maven project path>Finish
- Maven project is successfully imported into eclipse as below.