As part of your day to day usage of Oracle Cloud applications, if you feel performance degradation or experience unexpected screen behaviour, there are few things you are can check yourself before reaching out to your Helpdesk or Oracle Support. These are tips you should be aware to ensure optimum application performance as well as improved usage experience. At the bottom of this article, you will find the My Oracle Support Doc ID to dive into more details.
1) Recommended Browser:
Best performance of Oracle Cloud Applications is when you use the latest browser version of Mozilla Firefox.
2) Browser Session:
Do not close the browser session whenever possible or clear the cache unless it is necessary. Use the same browser session for ongoing work for optimized application’s performance.
3) Pop-up settings:
Fusion Application Notifications are opened as pop-ups. If you have the Pop-ups disabled by default as per your security policies, the browser will block the notifications from Fusion Applications.
4) Bookmarks:
Only bookmark the login page. After the initial login page bookmarked URLs are not supported as these URLs contain session IDs and infrastructure context that are subject to change.
5) Post Upgrade:
It is mandatory that the end user’s clear browser cache when they access an upgraded Fusion Applications environment.
These basic tips and more in the MOS docs will ensure improved experience for Oracle Cloud Application users. As part of SOAIS team supporting our Oracle Cloud application customers, 20% of the support requests pertain to areas where resolution can be found by the customers themselves. After education from SOAIS, Oracle Cloud application users are better informed and are able to use their support budgets in an optimum manner.
Source: Excerpts from Doc ID 1385107.1 from MOS