HR applications globally have reached a point of maturity, where basic capabilities of managing records of an employee lifecycle is now considered passé. On-premise or cloud HR applications for managing an employee from a core HR standpoint, including pushing admin tasks to self-service, is a “given” for any HR application. Being ‘system of records’ has traditionally been the forte of HR IT systems.
HR community today expects to go beyond basic business process automation to actively engaging an employee. The definition of engagement spans from redefining the ways an organization builds a connection with a potential candidate for hire, to making the whole employment experience in the company an engaging and inclusive one. HR applications of the day need to become part of an employee’s work life end to end.
SOAIS has been on the forefront of working with Oracle Cloud Fusion HCM application with several of its customers. Starting from a rich legacy of the world’s best HCM platform, PeopleSoft, SOAIS has seen Oracle evolve its Fusion HCM offerings to be aligned to the leading HR experts on employee engagement.
Here are the key areas of digital disruption created by Fusion HCM as part of engaging employees:
1. Social collaboration platforms:
Tools to enable building a culture of engagement in different facets of an employee lifecycle like rewards, training, company values, performance goals.
2. Embedded Analytics:
HR Leaders are able to use in-context and dynamic data to make impactful decisions directly related to employee turnover, hiring cycles, retention costs.
3. Employee Wellbeing:
The application is inherently designed to include wellbeing as an integral part of leadership, organization culture, role-effectiveness.
4. Leadership communication:
Platforms for leaders to conveniently and frequently articulate the organization vision, mission and goals.
Digital Employee Experience:
If leadership is the heart of the engagement model, the digital employee experience is the backbone.