Worksoft certify is the most widely used functional testing tool for SAP applications. NeoLoad is the only performance testing platform on the market that has built-in integration with Worksoft Certify to make functional test asset reuse a cinch. It allows you to interact with the NeoLoad Design API to convert an SAP GUI or Web Worksoft Certify Process to a NeoLoad User Path or update an existing one.

Important points:

  1. Worksoft Certify, SAP and Neolaod should be installed in the system.
  2. Worksoft Certify and SAP Login need to run as Administrator to transfer a SAP GUI Process to NeoLoad.
  3. Once the conversion is done, you can comment the Steps associated with the NeoLoad interface to perform normal execution.

Integrating NeoLoad with Worksoft Certify.

Please follow the below step to integrate NeoLoad with Worksoft Certify

  1. Download NeoLoad-interface.xml and zip. click hereto download

     2. Import NeoLoad-interface.xml file in Worksoft Certify Interfaces pane.

3.  Create folder name NeoLoad in the file path C:Program Files (x86)WorksoftCertifyInterface                                     ClientWorksoftwsTest and Unzip the file in to the NeoLoad folder that was                  created

     4. Unblock dll. Right click on dll and check unblock button, then apply and ok.

5.  Register the Assembly for COM interop by executing the following command as Administrator:                                         C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319regasm.exe


6.  Edit the file “C:Program Files (x86)WorksoftCertifyInterface ClientWorksoftwsTestwstest.exe.config”               and add the following node inside the configuration node

7. Relaunch Worksoft Certify.

8. Add Neolaod interface for the application which you want to convert.

9. Create a new window in the application where you added NeoLoad interface as shown below.

Modify a Worksoft Certify Process to convert it to a NeoLoad User Path

  1. Open the process which needs to be converted in to NeoLoad user path.
  2.  At the beginning of the Process, add a new Step associated with the NeoLoad window with the StartRecording   Action

       3. Under parameters for StartRecording action, use Process Name (System Variable) for user path parameters                  and record mode as required.

  • SAP GUI & WEB to record both SAP GUI and the Web traffic
  • SAP GUI to record only SAP GUI.
  • WEB to record only Web traffic

          4. Whenever you want to start the NeoLoad Transaction, add a new Step associated with the NeoLoad window                 with the StartTransactionaction. Then add name for the transaction.

            5. At the end of the Process, add a new Step associated with the NeoLoad window with the StopRecording                          Action.


6. Advanced Configuration


The advanced parameter of the StartRecording Action allows defining the following options:

  • designApiUrl: The URL of the NeoLoad design API, by default it is http://localhost:7400/Design/v1/Service.svc/.
  • updateUserPath: Used to automatically update the User Path with the same name. Default value is “true”.
  • isHttp2: Used to record or not HTTP/2. Default value is “true”.
  • addressToExclude: List of addresses separated by a semicolon. Requests and responses through these addresses will not be taken into account by NeoLoad when recording (for example:;;localhost:9100)
  • userAgent: Used to specify the user agent.

If you want to define multiple options, the options must be separated by a carriage return. For example:


The advanced parameter of the StopRecording Action allows defining the following options:

  • frameworkParameterSearch: Default value is “true”.
  • genericParameterSearch: Default value is “false”.
  • deleteRecording: Default value is “true”.
  • includeVariablesInUserPathUpdate: Default value is “true”.
  • updateSharedContainers: Default value is “false”.
  • matchingThreshold: Default value is “60”.

7.  Now running the process will convert the data into NeoLoadUserpath.

8. Open NeoLoad Window, you will find the Userpath created and all the transactions mentioned in our certify               Process

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