If you are having a team which has frequent reorganizations then Org studio could be great help. The virtual drag and drop functionality is the biggest win, makes the process so simple. Utilizing both Worksheets and business process framework functionality, this tool has been providing Workday customers with an organized method for data cleansing, collaboration, and approvals of these mass organization changes. Worksheets Interface is beneficial in making intuitive transaction groups for easier updates and review and to validate specific to each transaction
Let us understand how we can create org studio design in our tenant.
- Access the org studio task and enter the details such as design name, effective name and enter the starting point as the sup org.
- Now in the screen we can perform various actions like create position, create subordinate org, add superior, add workers, assign roles, Edit org
- Let’s move two supervisory organization- Workstation support and Information Analysis into another superior organization- Office of Control, here even the workers will be moved.
- We have dragged and dropped the organizations and it will display as MOVED.
- Now we can undo or redo the steps again, after that press on the review button and further steps can configured in the business process Reorganization using org studio.
- After the process displays success, you will be navigated to Reorganization mass action, here we can access the workbook, once the workbook is loaded click on begin error validation, check for errors. If there are no errors click on submit.
Setup considerations:
1. Review / Edit / Enable Domain Security Policies:
●Worksheets ●Maintain: Org Designs ●Participate: Org Designs ●Mass Action Events
2. Review and Edit Business Process Policies:
●Reorganization with Org Studio● Mass Actions Event
3. Edit or Create Business Process:
●Reorganization with Org Studio● Mass Action
4. Optionally, add the Org Studio worklet to Home dashboard