- June 9, 2023
- Aditya Anand
- 0
Pushing Worksoft Files to Bitbucket: Seamless Integration Guide
Pushing Worksoft certify files to Bitbucket helps us to keep track of the changes made to the files over time, revert to previous version and collaborate with others on the same files without fear of overwriting each other’s work. We can have version control and backup of our work if something happens to our local machine or the Worksoft files.
In short, pushing Worksoft files to Bitbucket can help streamline our workflow, and provide version control, collaboration, backup, access control and integration with other tools.
Bitbucket is a Git-based code hosting and collaboration tool. Basically, when you want to keep your files at a common place and share it among your team members irrespective of their location. Hence, providing them with options to make changes into the repository. Bitbucket allows teams to collaborate software projects by providing a centralized platform for storing, managing and sharing source code. It’s a reliable solution to create your own repository and push/pull files.
Worksoft Certify is an automation testing tool used for testing enterprise software applications, specifically for testing end-to-end business process across multiple systems.
It uses code free approach to automated testing, allowing users to create and execute automated test without writing code.
In this blog we will explore how to push our Worksoft certify batch file into Bitbucket.
Step 1
Open Worksoft Certify and go to the processes which you want to push into Bitbucket.
Right click on the process, select export from the dropdown and go to export process.
Refer below image for more clarity.
After clicking on the export process in the previous step. A Process Export window will appear with File Name field (choose your location) and Recordset export options. Under recordset export three options will appear select any according to the requirement.
After clicking on the export button. Map objects – Runfeed tab with percentage loading will appear. Exported file would be zipped and it needs to be unzipped and extracted.
Step 2
Create a folder where you want to pull the file from the Bitbucket. It is mandatory to pull the file prior to pushing the files into Bitbucket.
Now open CMD from the address bar from the file explorer where you have created your folder.
In most of the cases cmd open with current directory as the folder in which you are working.
If it’s not the case, then directory needs to be changed in cmd.
Also do check that git is installed in system or not by command.
git –version – To check the version of installed git
Or by simply going to Apps & features in settings.
Step 4
Go to the Bitbucket repository where the repository would be created by your administrator. Else needs to be created.
To create a bitbucket repository. Login into Bitbucket and click on the “Create” button in the top right corner of the screen. For more information, please follow the link.
If it’s already created and it is a private repository. Word of caution needs to be considered i.e. Prior to moving to the next step, one needs to make sure they have read and write access to the repository.
Step 5
Create a branch: Creating branches is required as the changes would not affect Master branch unless and until “Create Pull Request” is performed.
Go to the repository where you want to push your Worksoft file. Now create a branch by following below two images.
Select branch type as Feature and give branch name. Click on create branch.
Step 6
Go to the repository where you want to push your Worksoft file. And click on the clone to copy the url and further use it to pull the file in the local system.
Step 7
Clone the repository: Clone the repository onto your local machine by clicking the clone button in the Bitbucket repository and copying the URL provided. Then, open CMD on your local machine and use the Git command git clone followed by the URL you copied.
git clone
When cloning is done the done message will be reflected in the end. After this enter below command in CMD followed by ENTER key.
Copy the Worksoft file to the repository: Copy the Worksoft files that you want to push to the Bitbucket into the local copy of your repository on your machine.
Then check status: “git status” to know the changes happened in your local machine.
Stage and commit the changes:
Give command: “git add –all” to stage all the changes on your local machine.
You will get the message for the files which has been modified and are committed.
Give command: git commit -m “commit message” to commit changes with a descriptive message.
Push the changes to the Bitbucket:
Use the Git command “git push” to push your changes to the Bitbucket repository. You may need to enter your Bitbucket credentials if prompted.
Once you have completed the above steps, your Worksoft files should be pushed to the Bitbucket repository and available for other team members to access and work with.
You can see the changes made by going to commit in your Bitbucket
Note: –
Below are the commands used in CMD
git pull
git switch -branch name
git add
git commit -m “”
git push
Go and check in the repository.